Parent Mentor

Building a bridge between Latinx families and public schools, providing the Roaring Fork School District with consistent, in-class volunteers to support student learning.

Parent Mentors volunteer in elementary classrooms each year. Weekly trainings offer opportunities for personal and professional development, and Parent Mentors report feeling more confident and comfortable in the community after the program.

One-on-one support benefits all children in the classroom

Volunteers bring love and understanding into RFSD classrooms.


When Valley Settlement first surveyed Latinx immigrant families in 2011, many reported feeling unconnected to their child’s school. For those who spoke primarily Spanish, and hadn’t had much formal education past the sixth grade, the school could feel like an unwelcoming place. Parent Mentor was developed to help bridge the gap between Latinx families and the public schools.

Now, our dedicated volunteers commit to providing in-classroom support to elementary school students each year. They engage in weekly trainings to encourage personal and professional growth. Most importantly, they strengthen the connection between Latinx families and the schools, creating a more welcoming environment for all.


Meet one of our Parent Mentors


Essential Language Support

While Parent Mentors provide support to Anglo and Latinx students alike, they are able to provide special one-on-one attention to ELL students in Spanish. In a school district where over one third of students are English Language Learners, this extra support increases the teachers’ effectiveness and is healthy for the whole classroom.


“I am more confident in myself, and I feel stronger to overcome my problems.”

2Gen Impact

Parent Mentors report a significant decrease in perceived stress, and a significant increase in participants feeling more engaged in their community. Those who are parents also reported an increase in their sense of parenting competence. Teachers who have a Parent Mentor in the classroom report academic gains for their students, and say that students have an improved attitude towards learning.


Kid Tested, Teacher Approved

Having a Parent Mentor in the classroom is good for everyone. Teachers see social-emotional and academic gains for their students from having a Parent Mentor in the classroom. One hundred percent of teachers surveyed would recommend the program to others. Interested in learning more?